Mega Lightning

After a violent thunderstorm scares a house party, the guests flee to a nearby home for shelter.. only to discover, a more sinister hand is at play.. ..
Starring:May Kelly, Kelly Rian Sanson, Gillian Broderick
Creators:David Gregory
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"Mega Lightning" ... After a violent thunderstorm scares a house party, the guests flee to a nearby home for shelter.. only to discover, a more sinister hand is at play.. Now, they can't escape the strangers home due to the thunderstorm, but they can't stay inside due to the danger that follows them..

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Mega Lightning

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Mega Lightning

Mega Lightning

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Release Date
Action, Horror, Science Fiction
Added in
January 25, 2024
May Kelly Kelly Rian Sanson Gillian Broderick Chris Cordell Richard Kovacs

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